Property Deed of Assignment in Nigeria: Why It Matters More Than You Think

In Nigeria, a property deed of assignment holds significant importance for both property owners and purchasers. A deed of assignment is a legal document that serves as evidence of the transfer of ownership of a property from one party to another. It ensures that the new owner has legal rights over the property and can exercise those rights without any dispute. Home for sale Lekki outlines some of the significaces of propery deed of assignment

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Protection of Rights

For property owners, a deed of assignment protects their rights by formally transferring ownership from the vendor (the assignor) to the buyer (the assignee). It helps prevent any future claims or disputes regarding the property's ownership, providing a legal framework for resolving conflicts if they arise. It serves as evidence of the agreement between the parties involved thereby preventing disputes over the property's ownership in the future.

By documenting the transfer of ownership in writing, A deed of assignment typically includes the terms and conditions of the transfer, such as the purchase price, description of the property, and any other relevant terms agreed upon by the parties. This clarity helps ensure that both parties understand their rights and obligations regarding the property, which provide a legally enforceable document that establishes ownership and clarifies the terms of the transfer.

Enforceability in Court

In case of any legal disputes related to the property, such as boundary disputes or ownership challenges, the deed of assignment serves as primary evidence in court. Courts recognize this document as proof of ownership transfer and use it to resolve disputes according to the law. However, A property deed of assignment must comply with the legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which the property is located. This typically includes proper drafting, execution, and registration of the deed according to applicable laws.

All parties involved in the assignment must have the legal capacity to enter into the transaction, and the assignment must be executed with the full consent of all relevant parties. Additionally, the party assigning the property must have the legal authority to do so. If there is evidence of fraud, misrepresentation, duress, or undue influence in the execution of the deed of assignment, a court may declare the deed unenforceable. Courts may refuse to enforce a property deed of assignment if doing so would violate public policy or contravene statutory provisions designed to protect certain rights or interests.

Access to Financing

Banks and financial institutions often require collateral when providing loans or mortgages. Property deeds of assignment serve as a form of security against which lenders can provide financing. They provide assurance that in the unfortunate event that the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can take legal action, such as foreclosure or repossession, to recoup the loan amount by selling the property.

Overall, a property deed of assignment plays a vital role in facilitating access to financing in Nigeria by providing lenders with the assurance they need regarding the ownership and legal status of the property being offered as collateral. It protects both the interests of the borrower and the lender in financial transactions involving real estate.

Tax Implications

Property transactions in Nigeria are subject to various taxes and fees, such as stamp duty and capital gains tax. The deed of assignment documents the sale transaction and facilitates the calculation and payment of applicable taxes, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. If the property is being assigned as a gift, gift tax or gift duty may apply, depending on the jurisdiction and the value of the property.

Depending on the circumstances, income tax may apply to any income generated from the assignment. For example, if the property was held for rental income purposes, the rental income may be subject to income tax. Some jurisdictions impose stamp duty or similar transfer taxes on property transactions, including deeds of assignment.The amount of stamp duty payable can vary depending on the value of the property and local regulations.


Before purchasing a property, buyers should typically conduct due diligence to verify the seller's ownership rights. The deed of assignment provides crucial information regarding the chain of ownership, helping buyers ensure that the property's title is clean and free from encumbrances or disputes. Overall, a property deed of assignment plays a crucial role in facilitating transparent and legally binding property transactions in Nigeria, protecting the interests of both buyers and sellers while providing a framework for resolving disputes.